How do we Manifest an Idea into a Reality?

I have used The Venus Project as an example that started with an idea. The Venus Project is a Nonprofit organization that works towards a peaceful and sustainable global civilization. This article is to honor Jacque Fresco who used his imagination skills to show the world how artistic sustainable cities could be built for a new world civilization, where human rights are no longer just paper proclamations. He showed a new way of life in an environment where people can creatively prosper and flourish.
How can we learn from Jacques’ visions and apply our own ideas and vision into form?
Everything we create seems to follow a similar formula. Whether we bake a cake, build a house, plan a holiday or create an art form, the five steps are the same. We are human beings with an incredible ability to create whatever we want, providing we follow the five stages of manifesting anything.

The Five Stages of Creativity

Anyone can apply this structure throughout their life. There is no time frame as to how long we stay in each stage, but when we use this formula, we become aware at which stage most of our obstacles or opportunities appear. We need to feel the passion surfacing within us to become a co-creator! The first stage is always hidden in our intent.

The First stage. We have to have an idea! We need to know what we want to manifest in our lives in order to move on to the next stage. We need to know what we want to attract or manifest as an experience. This can be a relationship, a project, or a lifestyle.

Jacque Fresco must have started with his amazing idea many years ago, and many of the presented ideas are being translated into reality today.

The Second stage: Our idea has to be investigated. Depending on the idea, this stage can take years of studying, learning or investigating, or an idea can be manifested in a very short time.

Jacque’s 21-acre Venus project research center is situated in south-central Florida, where the future is currently taking shape as an investigation stage.

After we feel we have gathered enough information we move to the Third stage. Now we try the idea out with the backing of the gathered information.

The Third stage is where miscalculations are corrected. Again this can take years, depending on the original idea. On this stage, we learn what works and does not work. Relationships, projects, or our lifestyles change.

Jacque’s buildings shown on slideshows are the shape of things to come – not just the shape of architecture, but of a way of life that is attainable now. It can be clean, secure, high-tech, aesthetically pleasing, and yet in harmony with nature.

I’ve come to understand how the creative power of our intent, especially when it is accompanied by feeling works. We create an attraction field around us. We are the observer of our own creation, our own dream, our own manifestations. We would not experience ‘life’ the way we do if we were not at the same time our own observer.
After this third rehearsal stage, we move into the Fourth stage where the energy of synchronicity guides us to improve our preparation in order to manifest our desires.

The Fourth stage: Here we find solutions in order to overcome obstacles. Brainstorming sessions are fruitful. We are our own observer. We learned, got wiser and the people around us are of like mind. This fourth stage can also be addictive; meaning, many people never move from this stage into the Fifth stage where all the first four stages have to be applied! We all know people who say: “ I always wanted to … travel..or write a book!”

Jacque attracted many volunteers who loved his work. A website was created and workshops were created for people to learn how to create a sustainable community.

The Fifth stage means that now you have to apply action! Now your idea has to manifest itself. If it has not, you have to look at which stage your idea has procrastinated.
The Venus Project has reached the fifth stage when Jacque Fresco the founder of “The Venus Project” turned 100 years old. His model of an ideal society must now be manifested.

My personal Manifestation as an author  –  on Amazon

The Five stages of our Spiritual Awakening through a Visionary Fiction journey

(1) Motivation, (2) Our beliefs, (3) Faith, (4) Direct experience, and (5) Personal transformation.
View my slideshow
The Awakening Clan blogThe First stage This stage is always hidden in our intent. Feel the passion surfacing within you to wake up, like it does with Ingrid!
(1) The Awakening Clan – Ingrid’s journal  – soon to be updated in a new timeline 2019 – 2030  under the title: The Reality Shifters

The Second stage

The astral explorer.jpg web

    Now we have to re-evaluate our belief system, for believing in something or somebody does not lead one to the truth. One must first learn to ‘believe’ in ourselves first and foremost, thereby creating a new level of understanding. When I use the word ‘belief’ watch out for the word lie that is hidden in this word! We all need to clear out our distorted beliefs thus opening the first door for our divine soul to partake in our ascension process. This is often a stage of gathering information, when knowledge and wisdom connects us to our true higher self. Often this clearing is done during sleep time the way Richard has done.

The cosmic traveler web2) The Astral Explorer and the Cosmic Traveler – will soon to be updated in a new timeline titled: Orphanage of Soulmates

(3) Faith or trust, or simply knowing and applying what one knows, without the need to always understand what one knows brings us into The Third stage

Many light workers have now reached this stage, written about by Annelies in her journal Vanishing Worlds.Vanishing Worlds - web This novel is about our spiritual awakening, which is direct experience.
Through her creative decoding program to awaken The Body Codes of Light, she is strengthened by her inner guide and her soul family to let go of fear driven memories of her past. The readers will recognize that the year 2011 is merely a turning point when people choose to be Keepers of Earth.

(4) When you’ve made a connection with the Spiritual worlds and tapped into the Love and Light energies that reside there in the form of Light beings, angels or spirit guides, Tulanda will take you immediately to The Fourth stage

Your spiritual unfolding in Tulanda’s journal. Parallel Worlds. – (not yet in print!)moves us away from this third dimension. Her main message is: Pay no attention to those barking about the end times, since this moment is our Birth.

(5) Once you’ve truly experienced being a multidimensional, spiritual divine being your physical life will never be the same again. POWAH will expose how the prophet’s game was introduced to the Jaarsma clan’s group Soul, written about in all the light-worker journals. In a Universe made out of energy, everything is entangled, everything is one.













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