Can We See Into Our Future?


This question others have written about so here is the link. Instead, I want to re-write an older article I had written that was originally titled Star-gates – the Looking Glass Project
I had to update it because some videos were NOT on YouTube anymore, so I had to find others to help with this many call conspiracy theories, but soon a lot more disclosures from leading politicians and the scientific communities will rock our reality…

What are Star gates?
(A Stargate is a vortex of energy wave spectrum that connects to multiple other dimensions within the Universal time-space matrix) This comes from the ascension glossary page

In 2015, NASA admitted that the idea of Earth portals — areas on the planet that instantly teleport human beings from one place to the other — are a reality that they have been studying for quite some time. How many people know that, you wonder? It’s not published in our mainstream media. I wonder why not?

Well, star-gates have always fascinated me. The link to time travel concepts and shift into other dimensions. Many fantasy writers use Stargate or portal but might call it something else. The latest TV series, the Outlander Tales by Diana Gabaldon, really created a hit with the public. When her books are available for the Kindle I might get them.

The following video link was taken down by YouTube, but I have found another link about this fascinating interview. This was the first time I had heard about the Looking Glass ( apart from the story of Alice in Wonderland!)

Project Looking Glass and the Orion Cube which they are discussing in this interview by Kerry Cassidy are Quantum Time Viewing Devices that the leaders of our world have apparently been using for decades. Mind-blowing!

Project Looking Glass Technology (the video was removed)

Everything that is found on this mysterious piece of alien technology. What abilities does this cube possess? What did the US trade to receive this technology? How is it different/similar to the Looking Glass technology, and is it still being used today?

That Video was published on December 3rd, 2019 is still running. Youtube takes videos like these down; please ask yourselves why? What do they not want us to see or learn about?

Dan Burisch is an exciting guy who worked on these technologies and, under the close watch of the Majestic twelve tells his story in this episode of his first-hand experience with what he did with the ever-illusive Orion Cube.

I’m including these video links hoping they stay on YouTube. ( was removed)

Project Looking Glass [Remote Viewing] Einstein–Rosen Wormhole – Not Everything is as it seems. Not saying everything is true in this but some is. The More You Know. Old Tech Just re-polished. Fallen angels or ET etc. Good Luck with your research. The Doors have been opened. (the video was removed) Please question why?

Very interesting interview by Camelot about the building of a Star gate and what the cube technology is all about!
( Q” might be the Cube…. JFK JR is here, talking to us and Tesla is teleporting into the past and future. who knows?)


Now I’m delving, even more, deeper into what many people will still consider conspiracy theories, but soon a lot more disclosures from leading politicians and the scientific communities will rock our reality. That is why this information has to be shared by as many people as possible.

Disclosure topics that are very important to further investigate in-order to stay in our individual power.  star-gates, time travel and excess to other dimensions are all that will be disclosed

In the following videos completely different type of technology is discussed. This information falls clearly under the disclosure secrets.

Time Travel

What would you do if you could turn back time? Where would you go? Who would you see?
Watch today’s episode on Project Looking Glass!
We put hours of research into this to come to the conclusions that we have so let us know what you think! Do you have other information or more that you can add to this conversation? (This was asked in the video interview below) Sorry, video was removed.

To think that such an alien technology was in the hands of people with ill-intent is in itself very disturbing. They used it for their own benefit never mind about the rest of the people on Earth, but their time is OVER! While watching, I saw in the corner on the screen Marina Jacobi. I was very keen to listen to her summing up Kerry’s interview.

listening to Marina’s explanation about the looking glass projects and the timelines that were created was very helpful for me to understand what we individuals can do. Her looking glass project explanation makes a lot more sense.

We are spiralling up and out and growing in a positive manner, so the destructive force(s) ( the negative looking glass ) working against ascension simply can’t exist within the frequency vibration consciousness which is manifesting at these higher levels. Brilliant! Some of the comments!

Alfred Bielek, a former crew member onboard the USS Eldridge, and Duncan Cameron, who would later work on the Montauk Project, jumped from the deck of the USS Eldridge when it was trapped in hyperspace and landed in the future.
There are many articles online about these topics so I will not go into that from other people’s perspectives.

In my novels, I speculate about CERN being somehow involved with entering other dimensions, but that is purely my fictional creativity having a go at it. The 10-minute video I’ve added explains a lot. ( it was removed)

It has always been my understanding that it’s our level of consciousness that must first fully awaken before this ancient consciousness technology can be accessed. Yes , I call this technology ancient since we as spiritual beings already know it, but have forgotten it. After this creative visual meditation video I will share the disclosures that are cause for some concern.

The 4th-dimensional reality is still somewhat ruled by time. It’s just much faster. This is why when we are meditating, creating video clips like this one, or during our dream state, it appears that it has taken a long time but when you return to our 3rd-dimensional awareness we find that very little time has passed.

Our Ascension Journey

A typical glass with a reflective surface serves as a mirror, allowing us to see our reflection. This can include a glass mirror with a metallic or amalgam backing, or even our non-active cellphones or dark laptop screens. With the current lockdown, there is a lot happening in our daily lives.

People on social media are more and more divided.
My visionary fiction series “the Awakening to our Ascension” starting with The Reality Shifters are all about this journey back to who we true are in consciousness.

How can we individually find these stargates?

The Star-gates are often considered to be the Ancients’ greatest creation and thus, the Ancients are often referred to as the Gate Builders. Could they have been human beings on a different timeline? More and more I get the feeling that we, the people who are awake or are awakening have memories of these star-gates. Today we talk about ascension, but could that not mean the same thing?

Ascension is the process of us returning back to before we incarnated in existence in a 3rd-dimensional human form.
Our higher expressions when asked, will assist us to help us remember our true self in this present incarnation.

For some, it’s incredibly difficult to imagine an existence where time travel and star-gate portals exist but this is why many of us chose this incarnation in order to fully wake up. Therefore it’s incredibly important for us all to completely trust our higher dimensional self.

Just because we cannot see, hear or physically touch it doesn’t mean it’s not happening right in front of us. It’s just happening at a higher frequency of resonance which our 3D minds can’t perceive yet.

Humanity will soon remember how to manifest an idea, thought etc. into our awareness in the physical because it already exists in the now in the 5th dimension. It all connects, and timelines are all starting to bleed together.

During these ‘end of times’ a full disclosure on many levels…will happen. That might shock a lot of people who have been resisting this information. The controllers of this planet are clearly using military programs that are designed to carry out bio-spiritual enslavement using mind control and genetic engineering. These controllers have been playing God with our physical bodies and our consciousness and it’s time the manipulation into enslavement comes to an end. It’s now happening that they are losing their control!

Thanks for reading my updated blog post from last year 2019.

Nadine May

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